Concealed Abilities

Hello. My name is David Lalos.

I abide by ten simple principles.

The awareness of the abilities that spring and improve from following these principles makes everything else seem uninteresting by comparison.

The guiding principles involve focusing on these abilities and detecting and minimising weaknesses and intolerable personality traits.

The abilities are theoretically equally accessible to all beings; thus, they are comparable to sunlight.

Therefore, the principles compare to clouds gradually clearing from stormy weather to partially clouded to a clear blue sky.

However, applying these principles will likely yield results that match individual intelligence, effort, persistence, and awareness of mind activity.

Therefore, I am sharing the description of these principles and asking for donations in proportion to the individual growth of abilities.

The First Principle

Focus improves naturally when awareness of inattentiveness minimises distractions, as inattentiveness conceals the ability to focus.

Additionally, inattentiveness can escalate duality, opinions, or undefinable longing, as opposed to how improved focus naturally raises wisdom, understanding, and vitality.

The Second Principle

Wisdom grows naturally when awareness of dualities minimises the sense of separateness, as these opposing forces, such as self-rejection or self-glorification, conceal enlightened abilities.

Additionally, dualities can escalate opinions, pity, or undefinable longing, as opposed to how enhanced wisdom naturally raises intuition, selflessness, and vitality.

The Third Principle

Intuition grows naturally when awareness of opinions minimises preconceptions, as opinions conceal intuitive abilities.

Additionally, opinions can escalate dualities, conflicts, or undefinable longing, as opposed to how enhanced intuition naturally raises wisdom, peace, and vitality.

The Forth Principle

Selflessness grows naturally when awareness of pity minimises patronisation, as pity conceals selfless abilities.

Additionally, pity, whether self-pity or pitying other beings, can escalate conflicts, undefinable longing, or turbulent emotions, as opposed to how enhanced selflessness naturally raises peace, vitality, and joy.

The Fifth Principle

Peace naturally grows when awareness of conflicts, whether self-conflicts or conflicts with concepts such as other people, objects, locations, or abstracts, minimises conflicting forces, as conflicts conceal peace.

Additionally, conflicts can escalate pity, undefinable longing, or excessive thinking, as opposed to how enhanced peace naturally raises selflessness, vitality, and insights.

The Sixth Principle

Vitality grows naturally when awareness of undefinable longing minimises infections, as undefinable longing conceals vitality.

Additionally, undefinable longing can escalate turbulent emotions, excessive thinking, or a scarcity mindset, as opposed to how enhanced vitality naturally raises joy, insights, and gratitude.

The Seventh Principle

Joy naturally grows when awareness of turbulent emotions, which can range from sorrow to guilt to fear to a fight-or-flight response, minimises suffering, as turbulent emotions conceal joy.

Additionally, turbulent emotions can escalate excessive thinking, a scarcity mindset, or mental slavery, as opposed to how enhanced joy naturally raises insights, gratitude, and timeless presence.

The Eighth Principle

Insights grow naturally when awareness of excessive thinking temporarily or permanently ends streams of thinking, as excessive thinking conceals insights.

Additionally, excessive thinking can escalate turbulent emotions, a scarcity mindset, or mental slavery, as opposed to how enhanced insights naturally raise joy, gratitude, and timeless presence.

The Ninth Principle

Gratitude arises naturally when awareness of a scarcity mindset differentiates between what we want and what we need, such as rest and physical activity, safety from pollution, infectious diseases, and harmful situations, drinking pure water, breathing fresh air, maintaining a stable body temperature, and eating berries and fruits.

A scarcity mindset conceals gratitude. Additionally, it can escalate mental slavery, as opposed to how enhanced gratitude naturally raises timeless presence.

The Tenth Principle

Timeless presence grows naturally when awareness of mental slavery minimises distractions, such as memories, worries, expectations, desires, and results.

Thus, mental slavery conceals timeless presence and escalates inattentiveness, as opposed to how timeless presence improves focus.


Listening to instrumental music can be a practice to improve focus. Therefore, I have composed a piece called "From Mental Slavery to Timeless Presence" for this purpose, which will be available soon.